Laundry specialist examines process

Our laundry specialists examines the operations process that are vital in the overall production. By using various tools and technologies, to streamline operations and improve its efficiencies, in order to provide an excellent service to our customers.

Regular testing

We are confident to deliver our quality and reliability through the application of professional quality check and testing, such as whiteness test, titration test and microbiological test.

In-house laboratory

With our in-house laboratory, our quality team defines the best washing formula suitable for linen, uniform or garment, as well as conducting regular quality check and providing test wash service to our customers. From the test wash report, our customer can gain useful insight on linens and fabrics after washing. Customers can choose the most suitable materials for purchasing new linen and garment.

Vogue Laundry Academy - Professional Laundry workshops

Hosted by our laundry expert, our customer can also enjoy a variety of specially designed workshops on garments and laundry, which provide practical, fruitful knowledge to enhance customer's knowledge on textile and laundry.